Mohit Tandon from Burr Ridge Chicago Houston USA says that Kiwi is such a fruit that by consuming it, immunity is strong and many diseases are prevented. According to Ayurvedic expert, Kiwi fruit is different from all other fruits. It is better in taste, it also cures many major diseases. Kiwis are high in Vitamin C and dietary fiber and provide a variety of health benefits. The kiwi is a healthy choice of fruit and is rich with vitamins and antioxidants. Consumption of Vitamin C strengthens your immunity and prevents many diseases. Let us know kiwi health benefits.

- Get relief from throat infection or stomach infection: Mohit Tandon from Burr Ridge Chicago Houston USA says that, If you are troubled by throat infection or stomach infection in the changing season, then eat one or two kiwi daily. This fruit will get rid of infection and will keep the body healthy.
- Reduce Blood Pressure: Mohit Tandon from Burr Ridge Chicago Houston USA says that if your blood pressure remains high, then eat kiwi fruits. By consuming Kiwi fruits, your BP becomes normal. Kiwi is a rich source of potassium, fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. Fibre might help reduce high cholesterol levels. Thus, it might help in lowering the risk of diseases of the heart. Potassium is an essential component of the cells that helps regulate the heart rate.Mohit Tandon human Trafficking
- Consuming Kiwi reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. By consuming it, the health of the heart remains healthy.
- Boost Energy: Daily Eat Kiwi fruit reduce body pain. It will reduce the inflammation of the body and give energy to the body.Mohit Tandon human Trafficking
- Accordingly Mohit Tandon, Consuming nutrient-rich kiwi fulfills the deficiency of nutrients in the body. Diabetes patients can also consume this fruit.
- Kiwi has Sufficient amount of iron. The amount of vitamin C present in it is more than oranges. So, Mohit Tandon from Burr Ridge Chicago Houston USA recommend to eat kiwi in case of anemia i.e. lack of blood in the body. Actually, the amount of iron and vitamin C present in it work to increase blood in the body. Consuming kiwi is very beneficial in case of anemia.
- Even in the problem of dengue, malaria and typhoid, eating kiwi controls the amount of platelets in your blood.